シンガポールの美容院・美容室<ヘアサロン ミカエラ>

Good for habitual hair

Good for habitual hair

Hi !! This is Endo from Hair Salon Tokyo Michaela.

Today I want to introduce a product for you, the product name is
: Lebel IAU serum series from Takarabelmont:
It is suitable for those who have hair spread due damage or habit.

 The fragrance are floal.But I am feeling to strong fragrance Grape fruits !! !!
 It has a unique sense of smell.

 We often ask customers what shampoo is commonly used?

The product is not suitable for everyone.
 But if you are satisfied after using it, I am very happy for you.

 I will listen to you question carefully.
If you do not know what kind of shampoo is suitable for you or you are not sure
whether the shampoo you are using is suitable.

 We will provide you with a shampoo suitable for you.

 Are you excited? Do you imagine you feel confident and beautiful
when you walk out of the street? Can't wait to tell you guys more
about this product! If you need more information, please do not
hesitate to ask when you visit our salon  next time!