Japanese Hair salon in Singapore <Hair Salon MICHAELA in Singapore>

The different features of
MICHAELA signature perm from other types of perms are...

1. History of development.
Singapore is located near the equator and has a typically tropical climate with high temperatures and humidity all year around. It also has ultraviolet radiation that is recorded as the second highest in the world, just after Australia.
Obviously, those natural conditions are not a good environment for human hair or skin. People living here need to spend more effort, compare with other regions if they want to achieve healthy beautiful hair.
There is a concern that we most often hear from our customers, both Japanese and Singaporean, that they are struggling with daily styling and maintaining their look through a long day. The problem even worsens with those who want to have a wavy hairstyle.
From the understanding of the customer’s concern, we are motivated to develop a type of perm where the waves are not affected by moisture from the environment. And it is the start of “MICHAELA Signature Perm”.
During the process of research and development, we experimented with many chemists and treatments and finally found the best combination of chemists and technology, and completed the perm menu that give the best result.

2. The advance of MICHAELA Signature Perm to other types of perm.
Normal perm usually makes hair become dry and sometimes it is unmanageable at home.
With MICHAELA Signature Perm, you are still able to have shiny waving hair with beautiful texture of hair tips. It is because this Signature perm can create natural waves without breaking the cuticle on the hair surface. It is said to feel almost as if you are getting a perm and a hair treatment at the same time.
More importantly, the formula is customized according to each customer’s hair condition and thickness. Therefore, it is able to create waves even on damaged or dry hair. You can expect wavy hair that is well-settled and easy to maintain at home.
In addition, it can be combined with straight perm, so it is not only for those who want to make waves but also for many other hair problems.
The straight perm is performed in combination with MICHAELA’s exclusive Anti-Aging Straight Perm.

3. Technique and recommended point.
The key to achieving the best result permed hair is to determine the hair’s condition and quality, select the right chemicals, waves design, and set consistent temperatures for the rods. To be able to do this, hair stylists need to have a certain level of knowledge and experience.
All stylists at MICHAELA are well-trained to meet the high requirement. They are confident to customize the perm formula according to each customer to make the result come out its best.
Besides the high technique performed by experienced stylists, the ingredient is also a highlighted point. By using a non-alkaline agent, Signature Perm is able to create the waves without destroying the cuticle. Therefore, the perm is gentle and some people said that their hair condition is even better than before doing the perm.