Japanese Hair salon in Singapore <Hair Salon MICHAELA in Singapore>
- Hair salon in Singapore MICHAELA TOP
- Carolってどんな子?
Date : 15/04/2020 14:48
theme : Carol
staff : AYA AHIKO
- 新着用画像
Today I recomend you this mascara.
This is japanese cosmetic.

Singapore Watson's and Tokyu hands have selling .
By the way Today I will introduce our assistant Carol to all of you .

She is Malaysian.
She can't eat beef(Important reminds it.Coz I will cook to her sometimes)
I normally easy to forgot she can't eat pork or beef?😹Coz japanese don't have this kind of culture.
She thinking similer to Japanese people .
I mean she has good job attitude ,listener and things Skill like japanese.
Previously she worked japanese hair salon.
I thought she can speak Japanese.
But it isn't.
Maybe she isn't interesting japanese language before.
Now she interesting to learn japanese a bit.
She can count japanese number 1-100🙆♀️
I hope she will be more speak japanese:)
She's good point
・Good at being spoiled
・Similar to japanese
・Everyone like to her
・Try hard everytime
・Good listener
・She will ask someone when she have any question
I hope she will be more talkative and communication with customers.
She is really cute character.
But she not too smile in front of customer😹
Please talk with her when you come to our salon:)
She will be good hair stylist.
I hope so it.
Try hard Carol❤️
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