Japanese Hair salon in Singapore <Hair Salon MICHAELA in Singapore>
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- What is my passion.
What is my passion.
Date : 06/07/2020 18:23
theme : News
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After 10 years of training at a major salon on Omotesando Avenue in Harajuku, Tokyo prefecture,
I had an opportunity to go to Singapore and ended up working at MICHAELA for the last 3 years.
The thought of “how much can I improve myself as a professional hairdresser?" has always been in my mind since the beginning of my career.
I have had a great ambition to "become the best hairstylist in Singapore" and have tirelessly worked day and night to improve my hairdressing skills that will impress my customers, and at the same time frantically learning English.
The past three years have gone by really fast.
Even if the language, culture, trends, and climate are all different from those in Japan, it is always my pleasure and mission to keep my customers happy and to maintain the stylish hair that they wish to maintain.
As an individual, I am still growing and learning day by day as a person and it brings happiness to be able to do what I do here in Singapore through hairstyling.

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