Japanese Hair salon in Singapore <Hair Salon MICHAELA in Singapore>
we will be extending our closure till 1st June
Date : 22/04/2020 14:17
theme : News
staff : AYA AHIKO
Dear My customers
How are you doing?
This is Aya from Hair salon Tokyo Michaela.
Our salon closing until 1 of Jun.
Now I'm work at home.
I means at desk work.
Someone asked me
「Do you cut for customer's hair at home?」
「No,I don't😹」
Firstly, I really look forward to start work, l thought will be start working at May .
The customer face floated first in the head when I heard the news is until 1st of Jun.
Of course each customers.
You know …my working motivation is about customers.
But now I have to do my best for customers.
This situation maybe is a chance.
I can spend this good time.
Because I can think a lot of more professional service for customers.
By the way I would like to meet with customers.
I really miss my lovely customers.
This time is important for us.
I think you can't meet each person now.
Now very convenient to SMS.
You have to talk each person in the SMS.
I would think positive this time.
I hope you too.
Please see the blue sky out of the window If you have time.
You are Aya mania if you can imagine my face .
If you can't imagine my face…Don't forget my face😹
It's okay, please remember me sometimes.lol
You know ...I always remember of each customers.I don't say lie.
I let you know about it.
I always thinking all of you my lovely customer .
After this lock down , let's us meet again at salon.
Then let's talk about each other.
How many time you remember me.lol
How do you spend your time at home?etc
Please think positive and try hard.
I hope you have a good time everyday .Take care everyone
ps.please check my instagram too
From Michaela hair salon
Dear Valued Customers,
In combat for the COVID-19, the Circuit breaker phase started from 7 April, 2020 to 4 May, 2020 and on the 21 April, an announcement of the extension of the circuit breaker until 1 June was made. In support for the circuit breaker for the initial phase, MICHAELA has made the decision to close despite being categorized under the essential services. Currently, under the new measures, we will be extending our closure till 1st June and resume on the 2nd June.
Online bookings for the 2nd June will be available from 1st May onwards. Kindly refrain from contacting the salon at 65380263 and contact us via WhatsApp at 81393274 instead.
Please do note that in the event of another extension of the circuit breaker; kindly do cooperate with us in contact with regards for changes to pre-existing appointments made. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The management team of Hair Salon Tokyo MICHAELA
To the important customer.
Date : 22/04/2020 13:59
theme : News
staff : KOJI ENDO
Hi This is Endo from Hair salon Tokyo Michaela
Originally, we were planning to refrain sales from April 7th and to open from May 5th, but this
extension will completely close the salon until June 1st. It was decided. This is an official opinion
from the government, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused to many customers who are
waiting for we start of the business. Thank you for your cooperation.
While we can't do this business in this time, we can use it as a time to improve our own skills
and share that time with staff to work for the growth of individuals and the growth of salons.
It was natural that it was a book that I couldn't read at all the times, words and actions that were
easy to convey to each customer, such as the details of the salon, and the meaning of what I had
done casually, such as when to speak out. That's not obvious! There are many things that have
been noticed and improved by this circuit breaker.
I want to meet customers! I want to cut customer's hair! I like hairdressers. After all I like to
communication with each other .
The whole world feels the same pain at the same time. The environment is different for each
person, but I am looking forward to talking again after the current environment has improved.
Thank you.
Please read this as well. https://michaela.sg/en/blog/detail/id=1776
we will be extending our closure till 1st June
Date : 22/04/2020 13:08
theme : News

Dear Valued Customers,
In combat for the COVID-19, the Circuit breaker phase started from 7 April, 2020 to 4 May, 2020 and on the 21 April, an announcement of the extension of the circuit breaker until 1 June was made. In support for the circuit breaker for the initial phase, MICHAELA has made the decision to close despite being categorized under the essential services. Currently, under the new measures, we will be extending our closure till 1st June and resume on the 2nd June.
Online bookings for the 2nd June will be available from 1st May onwards. Kindly refrain from contacting the salon at 65380263 and contact us via WhatsApp at 81393274 instead.
Please do note that in the event of another extension of the circuit breaker; kindly do cooperate with us in contact with regards for changes to pre-existing appointments made. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The management team of Hair Salon Tokyo MICHAELA
To Our Fellow Customers,The Reasons for Our Temporary Closure★
Date : 11/04/2020 00:06
theme : News
I am the manager of Hair Salon Tokyo Michaela, Kenta Nagatsuka★
As we have annouced on our news section, blog, SNS accounts and SMS messages,we will be temporarily closed from 7 Apr to 4 May 2020.
Making our customers happy and satified is the mission of a stylist.
This is our aim to be a stylist that people commented 'You can't go wrong with this stylist '.
"Why are we temporarily closed?"
We also did not expect this situation before COVID-19 keep spreading in Singapore.
According to the latest goverment regulation, only hair cut services can be provided in a hair salon.

We always put our customers at the first place before anything as always.
Of course we have faced some external resistance to hindering our operation before.
For example, when earthquakes happened in Japan and rainstorms in Singapore.
We always face it and go through the crises with our smile.
However, this seems a different challenge when comparing to the past.
This is not a natural disaster but a communicable disease , and "stay home" for such a long period of time is something I have never experienced in my life.
And we also care about the happiness of our staff as important as the customers
I think that our staff is being taken with warm care though we've only been working for a year and a half.
If we continue our daily operation, our staff may need to take the risk to get infected when travelling to work or home.
And most importantly everyone is also not advised to go outside according to the government suggestions.
If anyone of us get infected......
No matter our staff or customers won't be happy

It will be a tough road for those who have been gone through all these
Our staff also won't have the peace of mind to perform their job duties.
Therfore we have a discussion with our owner Mr.Nakanishi and decided to close temporailiy.
"Will our customers going to leave us after we announced?"
Of course we are having such worries.
But we always believe in our valued customers
and also believe in ourselves!
We try everything we can do and just believe in ourselves!
Sometimes I will laugh alone when I think of the chat I had with all of you.
We will work hard to further improve our services and aim to provide an even happier experience to you after the qurantine period is over!
I have been working as a hair stylist for more than 10 years and I have never experienced such a long "holiday" (Don't worry, I am still practising during the qurantine time.)
I am still not used to days like this as a workaholic. However, this maybe the time for me to think about myself and listen to the thoughts of our staff and customers
We understand that male customers may have very uneasy days if they can't have their hair cut for 1 month.
We look forward to seeing you in a healthy environment in the future!
Manager Kenta
Temporary Closure Due To The Coronavirius★
Date : 08/04/2020 18:09
theme : News
Thank you for your support always.
With the new coronavirus containment measures and directives announced by the Singapore government on 3 April 2020, Michaela will be closed temporarily from Tuesday, 7 April 2020 – Mon, 4 May 2020 (inclusive).
We would be honored to welcome you back so you can enjoy a moment for yourself with one of our amazing stylists. Appointments are available from 5 May 2020. You can now book your next appointment online.
For further enquiries, you can consider sending us a WhatsApp message at 8139-3274.
Be healthy and safe. We will get through this together and see you soon.
Manager Kenta Nagatsuka

Manager Kenta Nagatsuka
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