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- Who is Chief Aya?
Who is Chief Aya?
Date : 19/04/2020 12:11
theme : AYA AHIKO
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日系ヘアサロン ミカエラ シンガポール
Manager の長塚健太 (Kenta Nagatsuka )です★
Do you guys feel that now will be the best time to have a good rest?
Anyone are spending quality time with your family?
Who are the ones who think that its just right to experiment with new things?
And i’m sure theres people who are going to be busier than usual in these timings.
I think people think about different things however society rules and structures are changing , it’s inevitable.
Now I know have gone into deep thoughts about my own existence and value, how do I want to exist, how do I want to live, everyday I thinking it.
After circuit breaker, we have no choice to change about how to work, how to live.
We’re preparing for the new generation.

By the way today I’ll mention about our Chief is AYA.
First of all, I’ll talk about why I came up with my mind to write it down.
We are hairdressers but we have been working from home so far.
Its objective will be on how can we improve ourselves
We try to being first rate of hairdressers as professional.
And then how should we exist
To Build the foundation of our professionalism
I really believe in education can make the real one
Inevitably our products are staff
In order to make customers happy means we have to continue to improve by ourselves

We’ve started to write blog down is not advertising
We’d like to inform customers who can not know the things at the hair salon of our staff.
Aya’s written down about each staff on her blog
I was really impressed that she is really very well to find out the good points of our staff.
I think it’s more difficult than finding bad points of person.
That why I admire one of her great abilities honestly.
Actually I should have written it however she helped me, hahaha.
You can read those from below links.
Endo Koji
Enomoto Satoko
On the other side, That is really her Fantastic point is she has sprit of making people happy when she faces other people.
One of awesome stories was she gave a muffler by handmade to her customer who is moving back to Japan soon, the season was winter so she’s decided to give it to her customer.
It’s amazing, I understand if it’s like a snack or souvenir.
I only can say wonderful!!
This was priceless, if I were her customer this could be unforgettable memory.
Therefore she is already receiving the souvenirs from her customers.

She also doesn’t forget giving the souvenirs for them.
This is can call love I think undoubtedly.
I guess who can not do these kind of actions if who doesn’t remember for customers even who is busy.
I always impressed about her act.
I may be should go to the place I can buy souvenirs hahaha.
Besides she doesn’t forget our staff birthday!
She helps me to know about it all the time
Thank you so much Aya!
In addition, she is really quick the things to do.
She also takes good care of customer’s time and her’s
So she can the things to do objectively and then she is supported from a lot of customers.
Summary of her great things
1. Her sincerity for customers is really awesome
2. She can act objectively
3. She is polio she can understand and do that people who want to do.
4. She is ambitious , she can do try and error quickly.
5. Her smile can be other people’s the place to rest.
6.she can enjoy her life heatedly and she returns her experience for her customers.
7. She is good at waking up earlier and she can act what should she do without instruction.
8. She has great tact so she helps a lot of things about our salon and staff.
9. She doesn’t forget to make other people happy even when she goes to the restaurant.
10. She helps us to make our meals during busy day so that why everyone feels morally indebted to her.
Thank you so much for reading my blog!!
See you soon!!

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